Friday 25 June 2010

Getting rooms furnished

Three of the rooms have been set up, at least temporarily, so I can live in the house rather than the caravan, although I have to use the shower in the caravan at this stage.

Still waiting for company registration to be completed before I spend large amounts of cash on central heating, hot/cold water system and drains as well as electrical items (washing machine, tumble dryer, dishwasher) and all the other things needed for the comfort of my guests. I need company number for invoices so my accountant will be able to claim everything as setting up expenses for Casa Cristina.
In the meantime here are some photos of the temporary kitchen, Breakfast/TV room and Family Room as they are at present. There is a further room which will eventually be my private accommodation but there is no photo as it is currently jam packed with the boxes containing all the things I brought with me or had shipped over from Grove.

Had a very useful chat with Ion, English speaking sea captain who is restoring house opposite mine as a holiday home for himself and his wife. I invited him in for a look round and he told me he knows someone in Sighisoara who has a machine to sand the wood floors for me. Then I had a look at his house which is about 20% smaller and has only half the land area. It also needs a lot of restoring/refurbishing inside and out which encouraged me a lot as my house is in much better condition. He then introduced me to another neighbour, Gheorge, who can supply my winter fuel at very good price and also distills tuica (very strong spirit similar to schnapps). Gheorghe's wife arrived on the scene and together we toured their garden plot next to Ion's house where I learned that she is a very good cook and makes jams and preserves. She said to me that if I would like to pick the redcurrants and blackcurrants in their garden (she doesn't have time to do it herself) she will make some jam for me!

On a walkabout, trying to get a mobile signal, I discovered that my next door neighbour Ionel and his son-in-law Dragos have just started keeping bees. They showed me 45 brand new hives in the garden of an empty house near the edge of the village. So within a couple of days I have found where I can get someone to sand the floors, someone to supply wood for winter (plus tuica for inner warmth!), someone who makes jams and may be able to supply cooked meals for guests in the future and someone who can supply honey! Brilliant!


  1. The rooms look very ... Romanian ... (no pun intended)

  2. Looking a little less "Romanian" now! Within a month of taking the above photos I had completely refitted the kitchen. Bedroom (photo 5) had curtains fitted although they are down again at the moment while room is redecorated following construction of en-suite shower/toilet. There is also a new stove in the same room where big coltar is in photo 4.
